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           Have  you  considered  entering  your  film  for  the  1953  Open  Award  ?  Per-
        haps  you  feel  that  your  entry  couldn't  win  a  prize  anyway-perhaps  you  feel
        that yours  is  not  up  to  the  standard  that  is  required !  If you  never  enter  into
        a  contest how  can  you  tell  whether or  not  your film  will  win  one of the awards ?
        And  even  if  you  don't  win,  there  is  always  the  probability  that  the  analysis
        criticism  returned  with  your  entry  will  enable  you  to  improve  upon  your  future
        standard  of film  making.  Why  not  consider the  matter again-and  by  the way
        that  shield  would  look  very  nice  on  the  Lounge  wall  or  in  your  own  private den
        wouldn't it!  What could  be more  simple  than  the  rules  given  below.  Anyone
        can take part-individuals,  Societies,  Clubs, all  are eligible.
         I.   All  entries must be made on  Pathescope stock.
        2.   Subject to be of your own  choosing.
        3.   The  film  should  not  have  been  entered  for  any  previous  competition.
        4.   The film  may  be any length,  but for  preference it should  be  between 200 ft.
            and 300ft.
        5.   The film  should be titled.
        6.   The  completed  film  together  with  an  entry  form  should  be  sent  by
            registered  post  to  Pathescope  Ltd.  to  arrive  between  January  1st  and
            January 31st,  1954.
        7.   All  films  will  be  returned  as  soon  as  judging  has  been  completed.
        8.   The  following  awards  will  be. made  for  the  best  9.5  mm.  Amateur  films
            submitted :-lst-1  large  Shield;  2nd  and  3rd-Lesser Shields;  Six  Certifi-
            cates of Merit to the best runners  up.
             Pathescope  Amateur  Cine  Film  Open  Award  - Fnlry  Form
                  I wish  to  submit  the  enclosed  9.5  mm.  film  for  the  Open  Award
            and  agree  to  the  rules  as  specified  and  to  accept  the  decision  of  the
            judges  as  final.
                       M ............... ..... ........ .. .. . .

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