Page 2 - pm_1953-12
P. 2
• Editorial
The Editor wou ld like to convey to
readers of the P athescope Monthly
all G ood W ishes for a Happy Xmas
and a P eacefu l and Prosperous
N ew Y ear.
Already, the spirit of Christmas pervades the atmosphere; the newspapers tell
us there are only so many shopping days to Xmas, the shops themselves begin to
sparkle with the Yuletide decorations and once again the G.P.O. are requesting
us to "Post Early", but amongst all this feeling of bonhommie and goodwill,
there is an underlying current of confusion and consternation; it is the old old
problem of what to give as presents this year. We cannot hope to settle all
your problems in this respect, but we trust that the suggestions we have to offer
will eliminate at least a few of those names from your list.
Remembering that cinematography, coupled of course with amateur cine-
matography, has a universal appeal, it is certain that whatever is chosen in this
particular sphere will be received with great enthusiasm. However, in order to
achieve the best possible results when choosing your gifts it is necessary not only
to know something about the equipment you intend purchasing, but also to
study the person to whom it is to be given.
Young people are full of life and energy, particularly in this athletic age, when
so many people play tennis, golf, football, etc. What finer present could be
given than a cine camera ! It will enable them to record the var:ous sporting
activities in which they participate; it could enable them to improve their
technique in a particular sport, it could provide a medium for social functions.
Your choice need not involve you in great expense-a modern and up-to-date
cine camera, simple in operation and efficient in practice, may be obtained for
as little as £13 ISs. 3d. - its name the "PAT", low in initial cost and running
expenses, simplicity and lightness are all telling points in its favour.
The middle-aged and older folks with perhaps somewhat less energy than
their youthful associates are more content to remain at home. What more
appropriate choice could be made than a home cinema. Here again the
expense can be kept comparatively low with prices ranging from £6 19s. 6d.
(Ace) to £78 (Son). If you prefer something between these two machines then
the "Gem" (£37 I Os. Od.) will most certainly give every satisfaction.
To assist you in reaching a decision the projectors and camera named above,
can be readily seen and inspected at any Pathescope Photographic Dealer, who
will most certainly help you to obtain the maximum value for your money.
If, however, you do not intend spending so much on individual presents, there
are dozens of other gifts in the 9.5 mm. range which will prove just as acceptable.
Ask your dealer to give you a current price-list of Pathescope apparatus and
equipment-you will not be disappointed nor will the recipients of your Xmas
goodwill. Pages 8 and 9 of this issue shows some of the presents from which
you can make your . .choice.
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