Page 16 - SAFAR
P. 16

                   I.   See  that  the  mains  switch  and  house  switch  are  all  in  "ON"  position  and  that
                      fuses  are  intact.
                   2.   See that mains cable is  making  proper contact at both ends, and that speaker cable
                       is  properly  connected.
                   3.   See  that  voltage  selector  is  in  correct socket and  tight.
                   4.   Check  mains  and  switch  wiring  from  plug  to  transformer.

                   MOTOR  WILL  NOT  RUN  :  AMPLIFIER  AND  LAMPS  O.K.
                   I.   Check that the  motor switch  is  making  contact ;
                  '2.  Check that suppressor condenser is  satisfactory ;
                   3.  Check that  mechanism  is  not jammed;
                   4.  Check that transformer tapping  is  satisfactory;
                   5.   Check that  motor  brushes are  in  good  order ;
                   6.   Check that  motor  resistor·is  O.K.
                   7.   Check  motor windings  and  wiring.
                   MOTOR  RACES .
                   .1.   Check  governor  contacts;  prolonged  arcing  (caused  by  faulty  suppressor  con-
                       denser)  may  have  welded  contacts  together.  Separate  contacts  and  clean  with
                       equalising  file.
                   2.   Governor transfer  lever  broken  or disengaged.
                   3.   Resistor short-circuited.
                   4.   Condenser short-circuited.

                   MOTOR IDLES  AND WILL NOT RUN  FAST.
                   I.   Examine  governor contacts for  corrosion ,  which  will  prevent them  from  closing.
                       Clean  as  above.
                   2.   Examine  governor  brushes  and  slip  rings.  Ensure  contact.
                   MOTOR  O.K.  BUT  PROJECTION  LAMP  WILL  NOT  LIGHT.
                   I.   Ensure that  lamp  is  secure in  socket and  filament  is  intact.
                   2.   Check  lamp side of "Project" switch.
                   3.  Check transformer  primary tapping of  IIOv.  and  wiring.
                   NO  SOUND.
                   I.   Ensure  that  amplifier  has  warmed  up  and that  indicator  is  alight;  t his  lamp  also
                       acts  as  a fuse.
                   ·2.   Ensure volume control  is  turned  up and  that polarising control  is  n·either too  high
                       nor too  low.
                   3.   Ensure  that  tone control  is  not on  a  mid-stud  position.
                   4.   Check  that exciter lamp  is  alight and  correctly aligned.
                   5.  Check  that  photocell  aperture and  sound  reader  lens  are clean .
                   .f:J.   Check valves, a:nd  top cap  of first  valve.
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