Page 19 - SAFAR
P. 19

The single  sprocket,  mounted  integrally with  the flywheel , and  cushioned  by  th e
              spring  couplings  to  the  gear  wheel,  rotates  very  smoothly  and  evenly.  It  combines
              the functions  of feed  and  take-up  sprockets and  sound  drum.  The  film  is  located  on
              both  upper and  lower  surfaces of the sprocket  by  two cradles.  These  cradles  do  not
               bear  d irectly  on  the surface  of the film  within  the  image  area; they  are supported at
              .a set gap of 0.0075 in.  by  means of flanges  riding on the surface of the sprocket outside
              the film  area.

                  ELECTRICAL  :  The  mains  input  is  looped  via  two  pins  on  the  speaker  plug,  so
              that removal  of the speaker plug breaks the supply.  The switch on the volume control
              forms  the  main  supply switch,  but this  shou. ld  not  be operated  when  motor and  lamp
              switches are  on.  The  main  transforme r  supplies the following :
                  Primary     I I 0  volts-Projection  lamp ;
                    (Auto)    125  volts-Motor ( 160  v.  some  models)
                                             (IIOv.  ,    ,   )
                   Secondaries  4  volts-Rectifier  heater.
                            6.3  volts-Valve  heaters and  pilot  lamp.                      •
                            5.0  vo lts-Exciter lamp  (unde r run ).
                            340  volts-(Biphase)  H.T.  rectifie r.
                  The  motor  su pply,  via  th e  "Project "  switch ,  also  goes  t hrough  a  heavy-d ut y
               resistor.  In  parallel  with  t his  resistor, an  arrange ment accomplished  by  means of slip   .;
               rings  and  brush es,  is  a  co ntactor  mou nt ed  on  a  disc  driven  by  the  motor.   The  con-
               tactor  is  arranged  t o  open  und er the  influence  of ce ntrifugal  force  at  a  speed  w hich
               can  be  predetermined  by  t he  st atic  gap  of t he  contact o r.  Thus  at  slow  speeds  th e
               contacto r is closed , short-circuiting the  resisto r so that the max imum volt age is ap plied
               to the  moto r.  This  resu lts  in  an  increase  in  speed ;  t he  increase  in  cent rifugal fo rce
               opens  the  co ntactor so  that  t he  sho rt -circuit  is  re moved.  Thus  the  vo ltage  applied
               to t he  motor is  red uced  an d  it  slows.  Then  t he  w hole  cycle  is  re peated.  In  practice
               t he  contact or  oscillates  at  t he  crit ical  parting  speed,  and  t he  speed  of the  motor  is
               held  to  close  iimi ts.  The  movement  of the  contactor  in  o pe ning  is  transferred  by  a
               lever to a  stud, which  bears  against  a  screw con t ro l fo r mi ng  t he  speed co ntrol of th e
               motor.  Screwing  in  this  st ud  rest ri cts  the  move me nt  of  one  of the  contact ors  so
               t hat  th ey  open  at  quite  a  low  moto r  speed ,  w hilst  wh e n  th e  st ud  is  fully  out  th e
               contacto rs  are  al most  permanent ly  closed.  T he  st ud , therefore gi ves  a  usefu l  moto r
               speed  range,  w ith  t he  speed  of  rotati o n  held  to  close  lim its  at  any  selected  point
                it hin  t hat  range.  A  conde nse r  is  co nn ect ed  in  pa rallel  with  the  resist o r  (and  there-
               ore  w it h the cont actor) to red uce arcing on the governo r  brushes and  co ntactor .

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