Page 42 - 2005-12
P. 42
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Afso avai(a{j(e ...
llTS l-l~LIT~1 () SLIU~ Vl?f}J~CT()l?
(Ser-ial ~(). 1 (31 <J"' ex Uawn Theatr-e)
Afso just out qf the Dawn Theatre, Gut hasn't been used jar at (east
ten years or so. Was a(ready in the Pnjection Box when we bought
the business back in 1951. Made by a Brisbane firm ca((ed HTS
Machine Works. Obviousfy not too usifu( in a modern Prtjection Box,
but wouM (oak great as a static d'ip(ay in your Foyer (or maybe even
your Lounge Room .. .)
~Br Bronze/goMjinish simi(ar to Gaumont Ka(ee yaintwork.
~Br Origina( carbon-arc (amy house induded (mirror not cracked!).
~Br Lower-most qf three qpertures feeds a co(our whee( at the _front.
~Br Can e-mai(photos jf this he[pju(
4.s is (in Pieces)"' wher-e is (mY L()unae l?ccm) •••
Afso avai(aMe are thejo((owing items that ran with the GK21 fisted
on the yrevious yage:
+ Xebex HiBeam IIR 2000w Xenon (a11'!]Jhouse with good Osram +
+Christie AW2 3-tier P(atter andTaMe + Irem 75 rectifier+
+ QSC Moddl400 Main A11'!]Jf}fier +]and's Curtain Motor+
P(ease yhone me (MichaeO on: (07) 3359 7545
((eave a message on my answering machine and I wi(( ca(( you back!)
Or e-mai( me at: mik~{
CHERMSIDE, Brisbane.