Page 43 - 2005-12
P. 43

+ 40R Sftlt +

          £-~UMU~l- 1\A.LI'I' MUUI'L 21  3rJMM  VVOJI'CTCV
                 (~er-ial ~u. 211 ~34-~ ex uawn Theatr-e)

          Tlie!j  don't  make  diem  fike  tliis  an!1  more ...  Befonging  to  a  breed
          ~-,,llsidered b!j  man!j to  be yossiM!j  tlie  best yrqjector ever  made,  tliis
          ~·,t~!icu[ar GK21  is  a[so  a  macliine cf some  liistorica[ note  as  it  was
          ~lie  main yrcjector at tlie  recentf!f  dosed Dawn  Tlieatre  - Brisbane's
          :·er!J  fast  indryendent sing[e-screen yicture tlieatre.  Tliis  macliine was
          -;mid'ious[!j  maintained and in  use  during  ever!j  sing[e  screening  at
          ~lie  Dawn from  tlie  time  cf it's  insta[[ation  new  in  tlie  mid 1950's
          :dz<i( the ver!J  (ast session bifore dosure on  Tuesda!j,  August 9,  2005.

          ~:?\Vas running a xenon  (not  induded),  but origina[ GK "President"
             carbon-arc [amyliouse  is  induded.
          e  Stereo  cef( grqfted into  origina[ BAF  sound liead (ask  !jOUr  tecli
             wlietlier an  exciter  [anp  voftage  drC)J  mig/it lie[p  it to  better  read
             tlie new "Red LED" soundtracks ... )
          ~:? Fitted witli  ro[[ers jor y(atter use,  but origina[ ryoo[ liousings  are
          e  Brand new yare drive befts, y(us a jew otlier bits and yieces.
          c?  Origina[ GK widescreen  and cinemaSCC)Je  [enses  witli  macliine are
             for an q_pyroximatef!jllO foot tlirow.
          e  Can  e-mai[ yliotos g tliis is  lie!J'ju(

            ~s is  (in  Pieces)~ wher-e is  (mY Luunae l:Ju(lm) •••
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