Page 46 - 2005-12
P. 46

        45  Minirnbah Road,Northbridge N.S.W.2063 Ph/Fax(02)99672309 Email rmandhm
      $30  Trauma Centre  LPP   $25  Laredo-
      $25  Judd For The Defense $35 Sw1ss Family Robinson-Exc.Col
      $30  Trapper John   $35  Front1er Circus-B.W.
      $35  Wagon Train   $25  Medical Centre
      $25  Daniel Boone   $25  High Chapperell
      $25  For Love And  Honour  Exc.Col   $30  Dr.Kildare-B W
      $30  A Fam1ly At War-Ex Colour $25  Mavenc -Roger MooreBW
      $25  Jigsaw John   $30  Serp1co
      $35  Kung-Fu -Mint LPP   $30  Spencer For Hire-Exc Col
      $30  Love Story   $35  Overland Traii-B.W
      $30  Gomg My Way Gene Kelly  B W.  $25  I Spy  B.W
      $30  Lucas Tanner-Exc Colour   $25  The Rookies   COLOUR  SHORT  FILMS
      $25  Seaway  B W   $30  Jessie- Exc.Colour   $20  At  Home \1\ilth  The Badgers- .~::dl fe  30rr:tn
      $30  Strike Force-Robert Stack-Ex.Col  $30  Marcus Welby MD   $20  Abonginees  Of Australia  15Mtn  2  \'v
      $30  Masquerade-Ex,Colour  $30 Hotel-Ex. Colour   $20  Anthropologu  JOM1n  8  i.h'
      $35  Matt Huston- Exc. Colour   $20  Tarzan-Ron Ely   $25  Austnan Winter-25 M1n
      $30  Channing-B.W   $30  Courtmarshaii-B.W   $15  Bahama Parad1se-B W  -12Mm
      Cartoons  Colour  HALF-HOUR            $20- Basketball- Th1s  :s  SycarTiore  20Min
      $30  The Snorks  Bnlliant Colour       $20   B~rd sanctuary  2CM1n  8  ·N
      $30  The Dragon's La~                  $20  The Body  Human-Senes  3CM,o  B vV
      $25  The Clue Club                     $15  Boswell's! A Dog)  Bon  Voyage  • 2'Jm
      $25  Goldie Gold And Action Jack       $50  Buck Rogers  Sen a I Chapters-Mirit  8 w
      $25  A Tale Of Rumplestiltskin         $20  Come Into My  ='ar!or-Sp1ders  9ar"lk  ~ S 'N  20Mtn
      $35  BanJO,The Woodpile Cat-Superb Ammat1on-Mus1cal cartoon   $20  Cuneus George  20M:n  Exc Co1
      $20  Grandmothers Sandstorm   B.W  Russian  Cartoon   $15  Dairy1ng  20Mm
                                             $20  Desert People-F·Im  A:...:stral1a  2·:M:'l 3  'N
     $12  Mister Magoo Cartoons-B.W          $20  Drops That Prov 1de  3G  ~ .. ~, ..
     $20  Famous Fa1rytales-lwerks Cartoons-B.W   $20  Elizabeth~ The Oueefl 'N~c S . ...,aoec  A~ Age-30Min
     $15  Popeye Cartoons -8 W.And Colour    $40  Escape To  Subaru-81g ·3a ...... e ·esa:",e-3GM1n  Exc Colour
                                            $15  Everybody  Is  D1Ferent  2GM-
                                            $50  F1ghting  Back- The ;:1ft.1  =:s~ate  Sc~~:r:
     Learning  Corp.Teenage  Adventures     $20  File On  Stepnen  Barner  ;,[--. .:....Js:  .:!CM1n  S ·N
     One  Hour-Mint  condition  and  colour.   $20  France Panorama-15M.r  3  :~
                                            $20  Gen1e  In A Can-Oeccrat:r"~g 25'~:r
                                            $20  Good W1nes  Of Portugai-25~.-llri
     S  ~)  Su::Jne!'  S'W2._tch-Sci-Fi.    $40  Great Wmter OlympiCS ;:r::Jr!'1  •924iSG"'1ia Hen1e etc) 60M:n
     $  0  Reve~ge  0~  The  Nerd           $40  The Gulf-Middle Easi-40M-r  be :clcur
     $  0  The  W2._lder  sumrner           $40  Mr Horat1o  Kn1bbles-Lesl:e  ~oach-ECM;n
     S  Q  Its  No  Crush-I'm  In  Love     $20  Image Of Man  30Mm
     S  0  The  Runaways                    $12  Images Of Rome-Pamt:ngs  ~2 \.~~r  -5  /./
         Cy~a~o  De  Bergerac.              $20  Island Of L1ght-New Cal1doma  25  ·~,­
                                            $20  Is The Ice Age  Com1ng-B  /1 25M I c.
                                            $30  Jamaica(Paramount)20Miri  8  '/o'
                                            $25  Jewelry through  The Ages  30M  n
                                            $20  Kentucky  Pioneers  3CM~n
                                            $25  Lets Sk1  In  Summer  2JMif1
                                            $20  MaJeStiC  North West  L.  SA   2.:~.~ . ...,  SF
                                            $40  Man On The F!y1ng  Traoeze-=..-:: .... s  ~:::s  SCM:n
                                            $75  Mao's Ch1ne- Travel   9C  M;n
                                            $40  Mr Horat1o  Kn1bbles  SCM.r   Cr·:~:efls Foundat1on film
                                            $40  The New Ch1na-Fel1x  Greere  7:;M  f'l
                                            $30  The Olyrnplans-Decathlon-60Mrr:s
                                            $20  Our As:an  Ne1ghbours  3CMir-
                                            S20  A  Pattern Of People-Br:t,sn  20~.~:i
                                            $20  ;:Jower  Of :he Sun  25Mtr'1
                                            $20  Quail Hunt Fever  3CM•r
                                            $20  The Real  \.1cRatty   BBC  25/vlir
                                            S20  Rept1les" 15Mrr.  8  'N
                                            550  Reotrles And ,"l.mphrbrar.s  Nat Geog  Cr:e Hour Exc Cole·,'
                                            S20  Royal  Nedd,ng-1960  15  M1n  -B  '/1
                                            $30  The Secret  M1rror- Joan Of Arcs France50Min
                                            S20  s:ed  Dogs Of calrforn'a  30 Min
                                            $20  Snow-8 '1-J  Car.adran Film  Board -12  M1n
                                            S40  Snow ·.rVhrte  Ana Rose red   Or:e-~our-S F
                                            S2C  Scr·e ,;.t...stralran  81rds  3CMrn
                                            S2:  Sunday  """d  ~Acr:day in  Slience-6CM1n  :::Br:t1sh
                                            S2C   /acat;cr  ~ ...:a seer  2SM1n  8 'N
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