Page 45 - 2005-12
P. 45

            ~5 ~linimbah Road,Northbridge N.S.W.2063 Ph/Fax(02)99672309 Email
         :·:·.  'honfire  Richard Egan   S.F    $50  Thumb Tnpp1ng   Michael Burns.Meg.Foster $&F. Matt Heir
         .-: _  '·'-"And Jeff And  Bugout  Cartoon feature  SF   $60  Tiger Makes Out  Eli  Wallach,Anne Jackson  S.F
         ___  '.a,.;.ed  In  The Sun  James  Craig  S.F   $60  Time for every season   Alaska Exploration  S.F
         S':  --e '<<ghtcomers  Marion Branda  SF   $60  To  D1e Of Love   Bruno Prada!   S.F
         S'-:  :ce To  Billy Joe  Robby  Benson.iGiynn<s O'Connor  SF   $60  Togetherness  Peter Lawford, Georgia Moll  S.F
         •. _  :  .,er Tw1st-An1mated  SF       $60  Top  Secret  Bill Cosby,Tracy Reed  S.F
         S':  -·e Olymp1ans.The Pers<stant Ones  S.F   $60  Trackdown   Jim  M1tcham   S.F.
         ;~:  :-.A Clear day You  Can  See Forever-Barbra Stre<sand-S F   $60  Track Of Thunder  Tom  Kirk  S.F
         •. _ _  ::::re Jay in The L1fe Of  Ivan Denisov1ch  Tom Courtenay  S.F   $60  Trauma Center  James Naughton  S.F
         .. _  :·. y !n Amenca-The detectives  Andy Lugo.Tony Colon  SF   $60  Tnangle  Dana Wynter  SF
         ~: _  =:·n  -:-he  Yard  John Heard,Thomas Wa1tes  SF   $60  Tw1st  Of Sand   Rtchard Johnson,Honor Blackman  SF
         X:  =·rJiile And  Wilbur-Fiy1ng  P1oneers   S F   $60  Two  Miss1onanes-Bud  Spencer,Terence Hill  S. F
         •. _  :::ct Of Ev1l   SF               $60  The Valdez Horses  Charles Bronson  S.F
            ::38er T1ger  Dav1d  ntven  SF      $75  Valentine-Rudolf Nureyev,Les/ie Caron-S F
         S'-:   ~eter And  Paul  Anthony Hopk<ns.Jose Ferrer.Jean Peters  sf   $60  Venetian Affair  Robert Vaughn,Boris Karloff  S.F
         S':  ~op1  Alan Arkin  S F             $60  Victims   Ken  Howard  S F
         ; · ::  ~ower  Joe Don  Baker. Red  Buttons. Scott brady -200 Minutes   $60  Victory At Entebbe  Burt Lancaster,Kirk Douglas  S.F
         >o·.  P•,soner Of The Volga  John Derek,Gerte Frobe  S.F   $60  Visit To A Chiefs Son  Richard mulligan  S.F
         ~:-:  ~uss In  Boots -Paul Tnpp-Fa1rytale Fantasy   $60  Virgin And The Gypsy  Franco Nero,Honor Blackman  SF
         5-:.:  Quebec  John Barrymore Jr   S.F   $60  Viva Max  Peter Ustinov  S.F.
         3.::   Ra~nbow  Samm1  Davis, Glenda Jackson  SF   $60  A Warm  December  Sisney Poitier  SF.
         s:.:  Ransom  Oliver Reed  S.F         $60  Water bab<es  James Mason-Live And Cartoon  S.F
         S'·:  'he Red  And  The black  danielle Darrieux  S F.   $60  When Hell Was In  Sess1on  Hal  Holbrook,  S.F
         S':  -.oe Redeemer  N1ck  Cartwer Dam1en Kn<ght  S.F.   $60  Wh1te Comanche   Joseph Cotton  S.F
         ,.: _  Return To Macon County   Nick Nolte  SF   $60  Why Would I Lie  Treat Williams  Exc Colour
         ;.-:; _  ':(1fifi  In  Amsterdam   Roger Browns.A1da Power  S F   $60  Wonderful World Of Nils-Fantasy Adventure
         S':  "itght to  Love  Omah Shariff  S.F   $60  Young  B<lly Young   Robert  Mitcham  SF
         ;,: •  'ioad To  Corinth               $60  Zandy's Bnde  Gene Hackman  S F
         X:  :::(.ob1nson  Crusoe And The Tiger  Adam West.  S F
         z.  Rose Bowl  Story   Marshall Thompson,Vera Miles  SF   $120  Anamorph1c(Cinemascope)  Lens
         .. •  ;;:unner Stumbles   Dick Van  Dyke, Ray Bolger  S.F   $ 95  Bell And  Howell Lens-35MM
         o·':  Run Wlid,Run Free  John Mills.Mark Lester  SF   $25   Split reel- 1200  Ft
         s: =  Salty  Cliff Howard,Nina Foch  SF   $ 90  Pair Rewinders- (Easton)-New
            The Savage Is  Loose  George C Scott  S.F   S 20   200 FEET REEL -WHITE OR BLACK NEW  LEADER
            Scarecrow  Gene Hackman  S.F        $150  EIKI  RT  16MM Projector-Excellent Condition
         :::--:  _  Second Thoughts  Ken  Howard,Lucie Arnaz   $220  Bauer 16MM. ProJector. Optical and  Magnet<c-Piay And
         >o.  Secret World Of reptiles  S F    Record-Excellent Condition
         >o _  Selected  Gay  Stones  S F      Projection  Lamps.
         5-:-c  A Separate Peace  John Hey!   S F   $18   Atlas A235 24v 250w lamps SUitT 0  I  etc
         ;,:.;  The Serpents Egg  Dav1d  carrad1ne  S.F   $24   E L C  24Volt,250 Watt
         5-:C  Shangn-La  World's Alternate Lifestyles  S.F
         '"'~  Shoot Gnngo.Shoot  Keenan  Wynn  C"SCOPE  SF   REELS  New Tuscan Reels -Blue
         S • 20  Smcerely Yours  -Musical   L!berace   S F   $6  2,000 or 2,200 feet  New Reel+ Can
         ;.:.;  S<ns  Of Rachel Cade  Roger Moore,Peter.Fmch  S.F   $5  2,000 or 2.2000 Feet Reel
         ; · 20  Sky R1ders   James Coburn.Susanah York-C'SCOPE-S F   $2  2.000 feet Can
         ooJ  Slow dancmg  In  The B<g  C1ty   Paul Sof\/<nO  SF   $4  1600 Ft. Reel
         x:  The Snow Queen-Art Linkletter  -Cartoon  Feature  SF   $1  50   1200 Feet  Cans
         :::-c _.  Soldier Blue  Peter  strauss  S F   $2  50  400 Feet  Blue PlastiC Cans
           Son<ewhere In  Italy-Company B   Robert Reed  SF   $1  50  200 Feet New Reels  15 FOR $20
           Son  Of A Gunf<ghter   Russ Tamblyn  SF   $5  F1bre  Feature Film  Cases  -Good used
           Starbird And  Sweet Will1am  Alan  Maet1nez aand the Bear SF   CREDIT  CARDS  ACCEPTED
           St  lves   Charles Bronson.J"acque!!ne 81sset  S  F
           Stopover lokyo   Robert 'Nagner,Joan Colltns   SF   Television Series: 'h  HouR SHows coLouR
           -he Story  Of Dav<d  Ke1th  M<tcheii.Anthony  Quayle S F
           Such  Good  ~nends  Dyan  Cannon.Jaqmes Coco  S F   $20  Bachelor Father B W   $25  My L<ltle  Marg<e-B W
                                               $25  The Practice   $20 Peyton P:ace
           Sudden  Terror  lionel ;effenes.Mark lester  SF   $2C  Dr K1ldare   $20  Andy  Gnffith Show
           Su1l1vans  Emp1re m   Mar1:n  Milner  SF
                                               S20  M r\  S H   S25  Grand Jury-8 VV
           Sunburn   Art  Carney Farrah Fawcett MaJors  S /F   $20  Fror.t1er Adventl .. re
           Sunr:se  In  Campobello   Ralph  Belamy Greer  Garson  SF   $25  Its A  L1fe  8  VV
           -rarzar  :r Mcurtatns Of The Moon-Ron  Ely  SF   $25  These Are  The aays-8 'N  $25  Coronado 9-B ·tJ
                                               530  Markham-Ray 'v11iland  bw  $25  Danny Thomas  S~eoa:
           ... ell  'v1e  A  R.dale -Melvyn  Douglas Lila  Kedrova  SF   $30  The  Year!1ng  -Exc Colour
           -:-ne  Tempest  S,ivara \.-1angana  Great SpectacleS F   S20  My  Three Sons   $25  The Rook<es
           - ens1cn  A.t  Table  Rock   R1c:lard  Egan  Exc Colour
                                               $25  Yes  Yes  Nanette 8 'N   $25  Johnny Mldnite  B 'N
           ....-ess 'Jf Storm  Country  Ciane Baker 'Na!lace Ford  S  F
           -:--.ey  \.-1ust  "Jot  D1e   Rober!  Noods.Meg Foster  S.F   525   M1~.e 1-"arr·mers  ~ickey Spillar.e  BW  $20  The Ode  CcL.c  0
           ....... ,ey  C:ar  i=Jr  Their L1ves   John Payne  SF
           -~,s _::Jve  Cf C:Jrs  Claud  Rams  8  W
           ... r.1s  Man  Cart S1e  Guy MaCd1scn,Jean \!anne  SF
           ... 1r-:·n  :=:c..t  -:-:-.e  ~r:c~or   R1chard  Egan  SF
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