Page 47 - 2005-12
P. 47

            45  Minimbah Road,Northbridge N.S.W.2063 Ph/Fax(02)99672309 Email
         S28  Wmgs Over The Canbbean  20Min.B.W   success  rs  now long remembered
         s·o  The World Changes-12Min.
         S2C  Yugoslavia-land  Of Contrasta-30Mm.S.F
                                                $150  LOOSE CHANGE-3 X TWO HOUR EPISODES
                                                STARS  Chnst1na  Raines,Oav1d Wayne.June Lockhart etc
                                                Wh1le  Amenca expenenced socral and pol1tical change dunng tr.e
                                                1960's. three young college women  compete w1th  the rmpact of
                                                that era as  they grow 1nto  adulthood

                                                $180  ATLANTA CHILD MURDERS  6 XONE- HOUR EPISODES
                                                STARS  Jason Robards. Martin Sheen, Rip  Torn  Etc Based on the
                                                true story of the conv1cticin  of Wayne Williams  in
                                                1982  for  two murders  tn  the most baffimg crime 1n  the history :Jf
                                                the Un1ted  State  Excellent Colour
         :  '.E HOUR COLOUR SPECIALS $20  EACH.3 FOR $50.
         ::cOUR MAY VARY)
         :..~encan Wonderland'                  $180  STUDS LONEGAN-3 x TWO HOUR EPISODES
         ~ ·: Who Shall  Feed The World         STARS  Harry Hamlin, Charles Durnmg.Jessica Harper etc
         :. ~.,c::enng Through Winter           Based on  the famous  novel  by James T Farrell Drama follows
         := "?ar  At Any  Pnce                  lnsh Amencan Lonegan from  age 15 1n  1916 until  1929 where re
          : _ 19 :Jamel  Boone                  lrves m Chrcago
         --a:!(  Meet~Running
         :a·:  t Be Anyone Else                 $220  BLIND AMBITION-4 x TWO HOUR EPISODES
         --e _;oshawk-Falconers                 STARS-Martin Sheen. Theresa  Russell  Rip  Torn.John Randolph
           :Jater                              Story of John and  Maureen Dean and  their actions Dfl  behalf of
         : _- "'1er Justrce                    Pres1dent  Nixon dunng hrs time 1n  the Wh1te House  and ~nerr
         :-?.:crng Out                         efforts to  extricate the President  from  the consequences of h:s
         ---= ..,..rme  Of Man                 mvolvement 1n  Watergate  The real  ins1de  story
         '.'::  Jpen Goii-1970
         = 3c.cpeanng World                    $180  DARK SECRET OF HARVEST HOME  5 x  ONE HOGR
         -.o _ ttle red  Schoolhouse-B.W       STARS Bette Davts as tr·e  Black 'Nidow.A young couple move Tc
         ~a-as Summer Of The Swans             a Medeival Farm1ng Commun1ty in  Connect1cutt where strange
         ::·:s-a-Place Of Dry Water            happenings and  rituals take piace
         '.'·s  _rncoln's Husband
         _ -:olnThe Unwilling Warner            $150- GUYANA TRAGEDY-STORY OF  JIM JONES 200 MIN
         --e ::Jrarne  Lawyer                  STARS Ned Beatty Colleen Dewhurst.James Earl Jones etc
         --e .ast days                         Recreates the story of Rev Jim Jones  and  the Peoples
         ~  •a,'J  The Black Rhmo              Temple. from  1ts  start rn  San  Francisco  to the mass su1crde rn
         --e-Mden World                        Jonestown. Guyana in  1978
         =- .... he Run
         _a-c  :)f Lots Of Time
         --e Nearer Wrlderness
         :=a-rei  Boone                        REEL  DEAL SPECIAL-Any FIVE of The Followmg  $60
         ---=  -iealers                        Bachelor Father B W   MASH   Room  222
         _a-edo                                 The  Texan-8 W  Front1er Adventure  .Nrne To  Frve  Or Kildare
         --e !;arid About  Us                   My Three Sons  Tom  Grattans War The Practice Saity
         :  ··er At  The R1tz                   Dr"s a Great L1fe-B  VV
         --=a ....  ~ttack
         :_ ·e Too  Fat                        SPECIAL2  Any  Frve Of The Followrng One hour  ~~0-NS $9C
         ·:  ;:·.ef                            Judd For  The Defense Laredo H1gh  Chaperell
         ---=  :;e'lt:e Stranger               Dan1ei  Boone  For  Love And  Honour-Exc Colour
         '.'·-:-alto Kntbbles                   Swrss  Famrly  Rob1nson  .Kung-Fu
         -- - ars  Nobody Loved                Jrgsaw  John '·Nestsrde Med1cal  Med1cal  Centre
         -- ~:e-- ~he Sreat Frg  Tree           Tfle Rook.res  Tarzan  The New Land  rJiyrnp,a
          ..  ~g
         ---:  3eco~d Chance                   CREDIT CAR:CS  ACCEPTeD
                                               SEND  ::MAIL FOR  LATEST C!:_M  LIS""'"S
         .. ~  ••  -3E~~ES
        S  '-:   ~.NG-3 X TWO HOUR EPISODES
         :-.:.::::  ?awl  : 1 N1nfield.Ctcely Ryson  Etc
        --~ ·.::-a 1  story of the CrVll  R:ghts  Leader-Marttn Luther
         -; ...... ose ;,on-vtolent  Movement ad'Heved  Natrona!  strudure
         -:  -· oromtr,ence  before he was  assass1nated  H1s
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