Page 3 - pm_1953-8
P. 3
((The time has come") the Walrus said)
"To talk of many things;
Of shoes- and ships- and sealing wax
Of cabbages and kings".
Whilst we have no intention of discussing the relative values of the above-
mentioned items, we would draw your attention to the fact that once again the
closing date for the Open Award is rapidly approaching. If you have not
already decided to enter for this contest, why not consider the matter now.
Here is an opportunity for you to put your knowledge and experience of cine
filming to the test. The rules, which are few and simple, do not debar anyone
from taking part. Cine clubs, Societies and individuals all are eligible for the
Open Award 1953.
I. All entries must be made on Pathescope stock.
2. Subject to be of your own choosing.
3. The film should not have been entered for any previous competition.
4. The film may be any length, but for preference it should be between 200ft.
and 300ft.
5. The film should be titled.
6. The completed film together with an entry form should be sent by registered
post to Pathescope Ltd. to arrive between Jan. I st and Jan. 31st 1954.
7. All films will be returned as soon as judging has been completed.
8. The following awards will be made for the best 9.5 mm. Amateur films
submitted :-I st-1 Large Shield; 2nd and 3rd-Lesser Shields; Six Certifi-
cates of Merit to the best runners up.
Pathescope Amateur Cine Film Open A ward - Entry Form
I wish to submit the enclosed 9.5 mm. film for the Open Award
and agree to the rules as specified and to accept the decision of the
judges as final.
M ................................ .... ... ... ...... ........... ......... .
Page Three