Page 4 - pm_1953-8
P. 4
We are now marking our SS cartons with a speed rating of 23 °Sch/ 2r BSI
as opposed to the previous SS rating of 26oSch/ 25oBSI; Now this announcement
need not bring fear and despondency into the hearts of many-because the
film stock is exactly the same. The reaction of SS emulsion to a standard light
has in no way deviated. Let me explain this interesting enigma before puzzled
looks cloud the faces of many camera owners.
The Paris manufacturers of SS stock have always computed the emulsion
rating as 23 oSch/ 22"-BSI, but we found in the past that a better average result
was obtained by us in processing when you assessed your exposure estimation
at 26oSch/ 28oBSI. Now we have decided to revert to the French technique of
developing to an exposure assessment of 23 oSch/ 2rBSI. This gives an im:
proved monochromatic tone range. Actually with reversal automatic compen-
sation the difference between these two ratings is hardly noticeable upon
Thus this simply means that all your future exposure estimations when using
SS stock should be based upon a speed rating of 23oSch/ 2r,BSI, and any slight
discrepancies in your calculations will be taken care of, as before, by our
automatic compensation.
TilE tORONATION PARTY arrive. I then made my way up a
WINDSOR 'GREAT ladder to the roof of the York Club
where I was able to get some fine
PARK shots from my position on top of the
In the August-September 1952 building. I could see the cars arriv-
issue of the Pathescope Monthly we ing from London with the Common-
published under Club Notes an item wealth Prime Ministers. . • • At 4
regarding the formation of a Junior p.m. my camera was set in motion as
Cine C~ub in Windsor. Since then Her Majesty drove along the road
we have heard that this Club is now and stopped just below us. "
quite flourishing and has in fact, re- We are very pleased that we have
ceived a write-up in the "Windsor, in some small way helped this new
Slough and Eton Express". Just be- Club and in particular Master Powell,
fore the Coronation, the secretary- to obtain such fine and unique cine
Master A. W. Powell, was granted records. We would take this oppor-
permission to shoot scenes in Wind- tunity to wish them every success with
sor Great Park of the Coronation their future filming.
Party, and in particular the "Tree
Planting Ceremony" by H.M. the Letters for publication are
Queen, H.R.H. The Duke of Edin- always wel come. A ccount s of
burgh and the Commonwealth Prime unusual filming conditions, pro-
duct ion and project or problems
Ministers. The following is a short ov ercome, i n f act anything you
extract from his account of the pro- think may be of · interest to
ceedings. " . . . After about three other 9.5m m . enthusiasts shoul d
chargers of film had been used on be sent t o :
the first half of the afternoons Sports THE E DITOR,
and sideshows, it was about 3.30 p.m. P ATHESCOPE LTD.,
which meant there was about half an
hour before H.M. the Queen was to
Page Four