Page 5 - pm_1953-8
P. 5

NOT            Can  any reader  improve

          26 OUT                            upon this "  innings "

           Dear  Sir,                                        \  'l
              Mr.  F.  A.  Bussell  claims  a  record  for  twenty  two  years  in  9.5  mm.  (April-
           May  P.M.).  I started  26  years  ago with  a  Pathe  Kid,  I sold  it a  couple  of years
           ago  to  a  London  dealer  for  thirty  shillings.  I  still  use  a  9.5  mm.  cine  camera
           bought at the same time as the "KID".
              24  years'  use  of  your  cheaper type  of  projector,  and  then  to  sell  the  same
           at  just  over  half  the  original  purchase  price  proves  the  good  value  of  your
           excellent cine equipment.
              I now  use  a  Pathe  Gem,  and  look  forward  to  another twenty  years  of good
          service,  knowing  Pathescope  will  maintain  the  same  high  standard.
                                              Yours  Sincerely,  A.  W.  BRAMHAM.
           P.S.  I forgot  the  main  item,  the  "Kid"  never  had  to  receive  any  repairs,  just
                odd  lamp  replacements.
             Tltose  •• LOST''                ~l~j~~ll~j~~l£~\j~~1!~ft~~~~;~1Jf.lii~;l;~;t;~;li;\I;~l~;\J
                                                The  following  is  a  short  extract
                     Films                    from  a  letter  received  from  Mr.  M.
                                              A.  Harker,  D.C.M.,  c/o  Gloster
            Already this year we  have  received   Aircraft  Co.
          numerous  films  for  processing  which   "  .  .  .  I  feel  that  here  you  are
          have,  unfortunately,  not been  accom-  making  a  mistake;  there  are  many
          panied  by the card  bearing  the  name   many  Athletic  Clubs  who  cannot
          and  address  of  the  sender.  These   afford  the  16  mm.  Pro·jector,  but who
          films are processed  in  the normal  way,   could  afford  the  9.5  mm.,  and  no
          the  subject  matter  registered  and   doubt  would  purchase  one  if  there
          then  filed,  awaiting  the  rightful  own-  were  a  supply  of 9.5  mm.  films  on  all
          ers  to  claim  them.   If  you  are   sports, to be used  on  the instructional
          amongst  the  "forgetful  ones"  and   side  of  Athletics".
          wish  to  make  a  claim,  kindly  write  to   We  do  agree  that a  market  exists
          THE  CLAIMS  DEPARTMENT  and        for  such  films  and  we  are  seeking  a
          please  supply  the  under-mentioned   range  of  up-to-date  and  suitable
          details  in  order  to  facilitate  easy   subjects.   However  it  does  occur
          reference.                          that  here  is  an  opportunity  for
                                              Athletic   Clubs,   throughout   the
          (I)  Date  and  place  of  posting.   country,  to  get  together  and  ex-
                                              change  or  loan  any  instructional
          (2)  Number of films  sent.         films  they  have  made.  Quite  ob-
                                              viously  befo·re  such  a  scheme  can  be
          (3)  Type  of film  i.e.  SS,  VF,  or  K.
                                              put  into  operation  it  is  necessary  to
          (4)  Subject  matter  photographed.   obtain  some  centralisation  of  ideas,
                                              and  here  we  invite  you  to  express
          (5)  Any  other  details  which  may
                                              your  point  of  view  on  this  matter.
             assist  in  identification.        Kindly  address  your  communica-
                                              tions  to  THE  EDITOR,  Pathescope
                                              limited,  London,  N.W.2.
                                                                       Page  Five
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