Page 6 - pm_1953-8
P. 6
Sound August
T9738 2 REELS
Tlte Coro1u1tion of Her .61ajestg
We are indebted to
Messrs. Associated-British Pathe who made this material available to us
Tuesday, June 2nd 1953-Coronation Day
Here in all its pageantry and brilliance is a never-to-be-forgotten record of
the wonderful and outstanding event in British History. From the moment the
Golden Coach leaves Buckingham Palace, the crowds lining the route, tumult-
uously acclaim their young and beautiful Queen, on this, her Coronation Day.
Complete, in all its detail, this film brings to you the full significance and history
of the Coronation Service.
Here is a film which will capture your imagination and stir the hearts of all
your audiences - a film which will present a complete and permanent record of
this truly great occasion. Price £7 I Os. Od.
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Charles Dickens. Nevertheless it is a film full of interest and entertainment
value. "A Tale of Two Cities" is the story of two famous capitals, London and
Paris, and shows the amazing similarity between these great cities and their
beauty spots. This film takes the form of a discussion between a Londoner and
a Parisian in which each extolls the virtues of his own capital.
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