Page 2 - VMM_dec1951
P. 2

New  Cine  Accessories  from                               AK

                                            Universal  . •ph

                                            Model  BN

                                            A  cleverly  cit•  ll ft H   '  I ,  tlllifully
                                            f in ished  splice\  I··•   tt   ·lit  '  mm.,
                                            9.5  mm .  or  I  '  11 1111   ltfttt   l't•rmits
                                            the  making  of  ltl  I  'It   pl t<t'S  in
                                            the  mi nimum  of   111111   !fttttl   to  its
                                            steel  cutti ng  plait• ,  ""'  II   ,  l11cient
                                            serrated-edged  d ry  .r '"I" 1  ""  pre-
                                            moisten ing  is  neces~. tt y   qwove
                                            ac ross  the  lower  left- lt.tll<i  , " " '"'  pt <·
        vents  any  surplus  film  cement  from  •,prc.1cling  a long  t he  back  of  the  ltlm .  M.ltt]lll'l
        Universa l  Splicer,  Mode l  AN,  is  aho  ,w.t tf.1blc.
                    Prices:  Model  BN,  £4/10 /-;  Model  AN,  £3 / 6/11 .

        Zell-em Magic Cine  Titling Set

        Everything  you  need  fo r  every  type
        of  tit! ing   un ique,  indestructible
        titling  characte rs  that  can  be  used
        over and  over aga in,  and  yet  rematn
        so  clean  and  re liab le .   The  secret
        is-each  cha racter  is  milclc  from
        a  self-ad hesive  plastic   m,llrri. t!,
        which,  unde r  a  slight  lh umb  pr<"•·
        sure,  "sticks"  to  a  spoc1,1l  Pmho~~ ­
        ruled  backg round .   T il le  pOs5ibi li-
        t ies  are  unlimited   units  may  be
        quickly   inte rchanged,   ,1nd   arc
        a lways  d iffe rent .   Each  se t  con-
        tains   166   capita l   le tters   and
        symbols,  136  lower  CilSe  letters,
        22  fig ures,  4 2  silhouett e  cut -outs,  1  pai r  tweeze rs,   background.  Sets  are  ava ilab le
        in  various  colours-red,  yellow,  green,  b lue,  b lack,  and  white.   Price:  £2/15/10.
                    AT  ANY  KODAK  STORE  OR  CINE-KODAK  DEALER.
        KODAK                   (A/ASIA)  PTY.  LTD.
                                 Melbourne,  Ballarat,  Gcolong- AII  States ·
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