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             Published  for  the  advancement  of  amateur  cinematograph'/  throughout
             Australasia  by  the  Victorian  Amateur  Cine  Society,  whose  members  use
                 8  mm.,  9.5  mm.  and  16  mm.  non-inflammable  safety  film.

         VOL.  V.-No.  11  (New  Series)   Editor:  B.  A.  BENNETT.   DECEMBER,  1951.

           Victorian  Amateur               FIXTURES  FOR  DECEMBER
                                          (See  also  What's  On  at  the  V.A.C.S.-page  4)
                Cine  Society
                                          Wednesday,  5th,  8  p.m.
              CORRESPONDENCE:                          COMMITTEE  MEETING
            G.P.O.  Box  1270 L,  Melbourne   Wednesday,  12th,  8  p.m.
                                                  ANNUAL  GENERAL  MEETING
                  MEETINGS:                             Business:
         SOCIAL  HALL,  Y.M.C.A.  (1st  Floor) ,   1.  Confirm  Minutes  of  1950  General
         Cor.  STURT  STREET  and  CITY  ROAD,
                SOUTH  MELBOURNE             2.  Conespondence.
              (just  over  Princes  Bridge)   3.  Secretary's  Report.
                                             4.  Treasurer's  Report.
                SUBSCRIPTION:                5.  Auditor's  Report.
                                             6.  President's  Report.
                 £1/11/6  Yearly.
            Ladies  and  Country  Members,   7.  General  Business.
                                             8.  Election  of  Office-bearers  for  1952.
                  £1/1/- Yearly.
              (All  subscriotions  include   Wednesday,  19th, 8  p.m.
             "Victorian  Movie  Makers.")                  WIND-UP  NIGHT
                                                V.A.C.S.  XMAS  PARTY
               OFFICE-BEARERS:               Come  along  everybody-join  in  the  fun!
            President:  Mr.  K.  L.  GREENWOOD.      Bring  the  kids.
           Vice-President:  Mr.  A.  F.  BOTTOMLEY.   Dancing,  Community  Singing,  N'ovelty
            Treasurer:  Mr.  A.  B.  BRESNAHAN.    Items,  Father  Xmas,  and
             Secretary:  Mr.  B.  A.  "'ENN ETT.   by  Special  Arrangement
         Assistant  Secretary:  Mr.  A.  HAMBLETON.   THE  AMAZING  KINGSLEY
             Organiser:  Mr.  M.  R.  <.DWARDS.
                                             (as  he  appeared  at  the  Plaza  Theatre,
               Auditor :  Mrs.  F.  PERRY.              Northcote).
                    Committee:                A  special  Xmas  Supper  will  be  served.
          Messrs.  M.  KNOBEL,  W.  G.  NICHOLLS,
          E.  J.  HERRETT,  H.  A.  TREGELLAS,   JANUARY,  1952
              C.  G.  SHEAD ,  C.  G  DEAN.   Wednesday,  16th, 8  p.m.
            Librarian:  Mr.  H.  A.  TRE~ELLAS.   .     COMMITEE  MEETING
                                          Wednesday,  23rd,  8  p.m.
           Become  a  Regular                                   SCREENING
                                             A  Special  Programme  of  16  mm.  Sound
           Subscriber  to  .  .  .             Films,  by  courtesy  C>f  the  Canadian ·
               "VICTORIAN                       Government  Trade  Commissioner.
           MOVIE  MAKERS"                 Friday  to, Monday,  25th  to  28th
                                                     OLINDA  FILM  FESTIVAL
           SEND  POSTAL  NOT E  for  6/- for  ONE   Wednesday,  30th,  8  p.m.
           YEAR  to  V.A.C.S.  BOX  1270 L,  Melb.
                                              SCREENING  OF  MEMBERS'  FILMS
                   _' ·nit    IJ!                   Supper  will  be  served.

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