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P. 6

                   Call  for  Early  Amateur  FilmH
            The  Victorian  Amateur  Cine  Society  is  sending  out   II  fur   rly  amateur
        films,  made  about  1930  or  earlier.  We  wish  to  include  th  m  In  th   mnteur  cine
        section  of  the  Olinda  Film  Festival  in  January,  1952.
            Would  anyone  having  any  of  these  cine  souvenirs  stored  w, y  pi  nse  contact
        Mr.  Brian  Bennett,  Hon.  Secretary  V.A.C.S.,  Box  1270 L,  Mel bourn  ,  C.1,  Victoria,
        giving  details  of  film  (subject  matter,  condition,  gauge,  etc.) .   This  request  is
        made  to  all  persons,  whether  in  Victoria  or  Interstate.
        * CHRISTMAS  PARTY.                 A  notice  of  motion  lo  ,1mend  Rule
                                          3 (a)  of  the  Rules  of  lho  Victorian
          .V.A.C.S.   Organiser,  Max   Edwards,
        would  like  to  know  as  soon  as  possible   Amateur Cine  Society  was  submitted,  and
        the  names  and  ages  of  children  coming   this  will  be  distributed  to  members  before
        to  the  V.A.C.S.  Christmas  Party  on   the  date  of  the  annual  general  meeting,
        Wednesday  evening,  19th  December.   in  accordance  with  rules.   This  concerns
                                          the  annual  subscription  to  the  Society.
        * HOLIDAYS  AND  PUBLISHING         A  report  of  the  arrangments  for  the
           ARRANGEMENTS,  V.A.C.S.        Olinda  Film  Festival  was  received  from
          AND  V.M.M.                     Mr.  Bottomley  (V.A.C.S.  Representative
                                          on  the  Committee)  and  Mr.  Bennett,
          Owing  to  the  annual  holidays  of  our-
                                          Sec rei a ry,  who  detailed  correspondence
        selves  and  our  printers  (McKellar  Press),
                                          sent  to  the  various  other  societies  within
        there  will  be  no  January  issue  of  "Vi"c-
                                          Auslr  li,  roque  ling  their  views  upon
        torian  Movie  Makers,"  but  a  combined
                                          the  formolion  of  nn  Auslril lian  Federation
        January  arod  February  issue  will  be  pub-
                                          of  Amnl cur  C1n!  Soc,ot i •s.   No  replies
        lished  in  late  January.  The  final  V.A.C.S.
                                          had  been  r  c  ivocl  lo  dnl  .
        function  for  1951  is  the  Christmas  Party
                                            A  minute  of  ,lJ.lP' ociJ I ion  has  been
        on  19th  December,  and  the  new  year
                                          placed  llpOn  lho  1ocorcls  of  lhe  Society  to
        commences  on  16th  January  with   a
                                          Mr.  and  Mrs.  M,1x  Knobel  for  their  hos-
        Committee  Meeting,  and  23rd  and  30th
        will  see  screenings  of  films-Canadi.1n
                                            Owing  to  urn  nl  business  arising,  Mr.
        films  on  23rd  and  members'  films  on
                                          A.  F.  Boll omley  nolified  the  Committee
        30th  January,  1952.
                                          of  his  in)billly  to  be  present  for  the
                   :::   ::·   :::
                                          Technic, I  Nigh I   ~ch eduled  for  21st
          THE  COMMITTEE  REPORTS         November,  <md  ~t·vc ra l  alternatives  were
          A  feature  of  recent  committee  meet-  suggcsled   10  th   Organiser,  who  will
        ings  has  been  the  number  of  new  mem-  make  his   I eel ion  ilS  possible.
        bers  elected  to  membership  of  the   The  llous  <mel  Projection  Roster  for
        V.A.C.S.,  and  this was  particularly  notice-  the  screenings  of  lho  Five  Best  Films  was
        able  on  7th  November,  when  nine  new   arranged.
        members  were  received.            A  new  innovnl ion  for  the  screen  in
          A  welcome  to  the  Committee  was  ex-  the  Y.M.C.A.  Soclnl  Hall  is  the  round
        tended  to  Mr.  Allan  Hambleton,  appoint-  corners,  ilnd  lo  furlh er  the  ultimate  of
        ed  Assistant  Secretary  in  place  of  Mrs.   projection  a  new  surface  is  to  be obtained
        C.  A.  Flohr,  who  has  submitted  her  re-  in  the  near  fuiUI O  in  place  of  the  pre-
        signation.                        sent  matt  surface.
        6  DECEMBER,  1951.  e   VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS
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