Page 11 - VMM_dec1951
P. 11

F.K.M.-Nice  little  human  comedy,  well  planned  and  carried  through  logically
          to  an  appropriate  ending.   The  child  was  excellent.   More  amateur  films  of  thi9
          lype,  which  tell  a  story  simply  and  imaginatively,  should  be  attempted  as  a  change
          1 ro.-:1  dull  and  static  scripts.
                                                           ' (  unsteady  tilt  at
              R.E.L.-Opening  shot  after  main  title  somewhat  jarring;  also
          close,  otherwise  very  nice,  steady  photography.   Some  variation  generally  in
          exposures,  but  generally  excellent  throughout.   Composition  generally  good.
              V.F.W.-Too  many  changes  of  colour  from  shot  to  shot  for  a  story  that  was
          st.:ppose:J  to  take  place  in  the  space  of  an  afternoon.
              L.L.-Could  have  been  shortened  with  more  cutting.   Although  the  leisurely
          tempo  is  in  keeping  with  the  quiet  idea,  shots  could  be  trimmed  down  and  the
          story  put  across  more  compactly.   Summary-it  takes  rather  a  long  ·time  to  tell
          a  story  we've  already  guessed.
          "BEACH  CARNIVAL"
              F.K.M.-Effectively  a  well-told  story  of  lifesaving,  which  breaks  away  from
          stereotyped  camera  impressions  of  this  activity.   Thoughtful  approach  to  interest-
          ing,  if  often  photographed,  subject.
              R.E.L.-Camera  pans  a  little  more  than  necessary  in  some  places,  but  good
          idea  of  filters  gives  dramatic  effect  and,  coupled  with  excellent  exposures,  produces
          some  first-class  monochrome  film.   Photography  very  pleasing  throughout.
              V.F.W.- Great  changes  o,f  exposure  and  general  quality,  some  over-filtering,
          misuse  of  telephoto  lens  and  lack  of  photographic  continuity.   Lacking  in  L.S.
              L.L.-Still  a  little  hazy  about  one  or  two  events  in  beach  carnival.   Develop-
          ment  of  idea  was  good,  and  use  of  contrasting  tempo  good,  but  the  sequences  appear
          to  tail  off  rather  than  reach  a  definite  climax.
          " THE  GREAT  OCEAN  ROAD"
              F.K.M.-Interesting  straightforward  depiction  of  a  scen ically  delightful  road.
          The  full  beauty  of  the  trip,  however,  evaded  the  camera  in  this  instance,  though,
          maybe,  it  would  be  difficult  to  capture  within  a  limited  footage.
              R.E.L.-Very  pleasing  photography  generally  throughout.  Slight  variation  in
          e.<posure,  but  composition  generally  good.   One  or  more  pans  could  have  been
              V.F.W.-Very  well  photographed  trip  of  the  Ocean  Road;  slightly  soft,  but
          p::>3sibly  due  to  colour  processing.
              L.L.-Moving  leisurely  from  place  to  place,  but  no  contrast  in  film  tempo
          oo:nd  lack  of  interesting  features  marred  an  otherwise  good  effort.   More  human
          interest  and  close-ups,  please.

          "HAPPY  BIRTHDAY"
              Quite  a  good  comedy  effort,  overdone  in  spots,  lampooning  cine  camera  text-
          book  advice.   Any  effort  to  break  away  from  travelogues,  personal  records  and
          other  stereotyped  movies,  as  this  has  done,  deserves  encouragement.   Exposures
          •ather  erratic  in  places.   The  editing  could  be  "tighter"  in  comedies  and  the
          sequences  built  up  with  speed.   The  laughs  must  develop  quickly.

                                VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS   8   DECEMBER,  1951.  11
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