Page 10 - VMM_dec1951
P. 10

One  class  only  was  used  this  year,  and  the  one  set  of  point  lot  ,,11  types  of
       films.   Four  States  were  represented  in  the  entries.
           All  entrants  have  had  the  detailed  comments  and  judges'  inft>llll.tllllll  fntwarded
       directly  to  them,  but  for  comparison  these  are  also  repeated  ho"'"""' 1   111  detai l
       for  the  prize-winning  films  and  condensed  for  other  films.
           Methods  of  points  adjudication  have  been  criticised  at  tim  s,  iltll,  ,diN  much
        consideration,  the  Committee  has  decided  that  it  is  the  most  <'tlflllnhlo  means,
        particularly  as  the  adjudicators  retain  their  sheets  and  mark  I at  r  f tltn•,  hy  com-
        parison  with  the  earlier  films.
           Order  of  screening  was  ballotted  for  within  the  various  gauges.
           There· was  a  close finish,  as  only  1} points separated  the  5th,  6 t·h  ,tncl  7th  places.

                             DETAILS  OF  COMMENTS
        ·'A  TALE  OF  TWO  CITIES"
            A  story  of  a  business  man  being  transferred  from  Melbourne  to  Sydney- what
        he  leaves  behind  and  what  he  finds.
            F.K.M.-" An  ingenious  method  of  linking  together  a  series  of  unrelated  shots
        and  providing  a  novel  double-barrelled  travelogue  type  movie.   Some  lovely  colour
        and  charming  scenic  glimpses  (compositionally  delightful)  also  contribute  quality  to
        a  decidedly  professional  job.
            R.E.L.-Photography  generally  excellent  throughout.   Some  variation  of  ex-
        posure  and  a  few  unsteady  pans.   Composition  generally  excellent.   Office  scenes
        could  be  improve::!,  both  in  lighting,  exposure  and  angles.   Unfortunate  bump  in
        camera  gate  noticeable  on  screen.
            V.F.W.-An  extremely  well-filmed  job.  On  the  whole,  a  job  any  professional
        would  be  proud  of.   It  was  rather  a  pity  that  some  underexposed  shots  of  the  snow
        were  left  in.  The  maker  broke  new  ground  in  the  selection  of  his  angles  on  well-
        known  views  of  both  Melbourne  and  Sydney.
            L.L.-A very  good  effort.  Main  comment:  Try  to  give  more  emphasis  on  sus-
        tained  sequences- that  is,  there  are  not  enough  fast  sequences  to  len::l  sufficient
        contrast  to  the  slower  ones;  and  a  few  more  intimate  close-ups,  please.
            F.K.M.-  Fine'y  photographed  and  well-handled  nature  study  of  the  (Wanderer)
        Butterfly-up  to  professional  standard.   Colour  and  continuity  very  pleasing .   A
        commendaJ e  effort.
            R.E.L.-A difficult  subject  in  extreme  close-up.   Except  for  about  two  shots,
        exceptionally  well  filme::l.   Photography  and  exposures  excellent.
            V.F.W.-A  very  good  cover  of  the  life  cycle  in  extreme  close-ups.   Con -
        siderable  change  of  expJ3ure  and  backgrounds  probably  due  to  the  time  lapse
        involved  in  this  type  of  wo rk.
            L.L.-Very  good.   As  the  subject  demands  such  close  work,  e::liting  mu ;t  be
        closely  watched.   The  ,:ontinuity  of  the  various , stages  is  well  handled.

            The  story  of  a  quiet  suburban  afternoon  and  a  small  child's  wanderings  whilst
        his  parents  are  asleep  in  the  sun .

        l!l  DE:C.E;IVJBER.  l951.   •   VICTORIAN  MOYIE  MAKERS
   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15