Page 5 - VMM_dec1951
P. 5

Qecember,  1951 .
         Dear  Members,                                    ''(
            As  the  festive  season  approaches,  I  would  like  to  take  the  privilege  again  of
         conveying  to  you  through  this  page  a  Christmas  message.   This  year,  now  drawing
         rapid ~y  to  a  close,  has  been  a  vital  one  in  the  history  of  the  V.A.C.S.,  as  it  saw
         the  change-over  from  the  old  club  rooms  to  our  new  quarters-a  big  job  successfully
         carried  out  by  a  humber  of  you,  who  unselfishly  gave  up  hours  of  spare  time  to
         join  the  working  bees.   Now  the  transformation  is  almost  complete,  the  New  Yaar
         should  ~ring with  it  the  commencement  of  a  new  era  for  our  club.  The  membership
         is  still  increasing,  which  is  a  good  sign  of  progress;  the  financial  position  is  sound,
        even  though  a  large  amount  has  been  spent  this  year  on  bettering  old  serv ices  to
        members  and  providing  a  number  of  new  ones.
             Your  Committee  is  always  seeking  ways  and  means  of  making  the  club  more
         beneficial  to  each  member,  so,  if  you  have  any  ideas  in  this  direction,  please  pass
        them  on  to  a  committeeman,  so  that  they  can  be  discussed  and  perhaps  used.  Also,
         if  you  have  any  grouches,  get  up  on  your  feet  and  let  us  hear  them,  because,  after
        all,  the  average  executive  is  not  a  mind  reader,  and  cannot  possibly  know  what  you
         are  thinking .  Or,  if  you  want  others  to  do  the  work  because  you  are  not  energetic
        enough  yourself,  do  not  be  afraid  to  tell  them  what  you  want.
             Finally,  I  would  like  to  record  here  thanks  to  all  who  contributed  to  the
        advancement  of  the  V.A.C.S.  this  year,  particularly  Mr.  B.  A.  Bennett  in  the  dual
         role  of  Secretary  and  Magazine  Editor;  Mr.  M.  R.  Edwards,  our  Organiser,  who
        has  the  unenviable  task  of  finding  something  to  go  on  every  Wednesday;  our
        Treasurer,  Mr.  A.  B.  Bresnahan;  our  Projectionists  and  Sound  Engineers,  who  work
        for  our  enjoyment  every  screening  night;  and  not  forgetting  my  Vice-President,
        Mr.  A.  F.  Bottomley,  who  dep•ltised  for  me  on  various  occasions.  To  all  these,
         to  every  member  and  friend  of  the  Society,  and  our  friends  in  the  clubs  Interstate,
         I  say  a  Merry  Christmas  to  you  all,  and  happy  and  successful  filming  in  1952.
                                                       K.  L.  GREENWOOD.

        along,  too.   Father  Xmas  will  be  there,   with  the  sing ing  of  "Auld  Lang  Syne"
        and  everybody  is  invited.  Bring  the  kids   and  the  National  Anthem.
        with  presents  for  all.   Dancing,  com-  As  there  will  be  no  issue  of  "Victorian
        munity  sing ing  and  novelty  items  will  be   Movie  Makers"  until  the  end  of  January,
        the  order  of  the  night.   By  special  ar-  fixtures  for  that  month  are  given  on  page
        rangement,  we  have  obtained  the  services   3  of  this  issue,  and  will  be  broadcast
        of  "The  Amazing  Kingsley,"  Master   through  3AW  on  Sunday  mornings  at
         Hypnotist,  who  will  provide  plenty  of   1 0.30.
        laughs.                             In  closing,  I  would  like  to  extend · to
          A  specia l  Xmas  supper  will  be  served,   al l  readers  a  Very  Merry  Xmas  and  a
         and  the  party  will  be  brought  to  a  close   Bright  and  Happy  New  Year.

                               VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS   •   DECEMBER,  1951.  5
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