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V.A.C.S.  Five  Best  Films  Competition  of  1951, Jubil •e  Year

        · · -~  TALE  OF  TWO  CITIES"
            Winner  of  the  President's  Trophy  for  the  Best  Film  Made  by  ,,  Mu111h .r  of  the
            Victorian  Amateur  Cine  Society.
            Winner  of  an  Inscribed  Silver  Salver,  valued  at  five  guineas,  dOil.ll od  by  Kodak
             (A/sial  Pty.  Ltd.,  for  the  Best  Kodachrome  Film  of  the  Yoor
            Winner  of  the  P.J .P.  Award,  donated  by  P.J .P.  Productions,  of  St.  l( ilda,  for
            the  Film  Showing  Best  Continuity  and  Editing.
            W inner  of  the  Trophy  valued  at  two  guineas,  donated  by  Cyril  Stevens,  of
            Th:Jrnbury,  for  the  Steadiest  Film  Taken  on  a  Tripod.
            Winner  of  the  Herbert  Small  Pty.  Ltd.  Trophy,  valued  at  five  guineas,  for  the
            Best  Photoplay  or  Story  Film.
        "BEACH  _ CARNIVAL"
            Winner  of  the  Myer  Emporium  Ltd.  Gift  Order  for  Three  Guineas  for  the
            Be ~t  Monochrome  Film.
             By  Mr.  C.  G.  Dean,  Malvern  (V.A.C.S. ) .
             16  mm.,  Colour,  300  ft.,  Non -Synchronized  Sound.
             W inner  of  a  V.A.C.S.  Award  of  Merit  Cerl'ificate  and  Leaderstrip.
             Winner  of  a  Trophy  valued  at  two  guineas,  donated  by  M'r.  W.  G.  Nicholls
             for  the  Best  Film  Made  by  a  Victorian  Entrant  who  has  not  previously  won  a
             prize  in  any  cine  competition,  such  film  not  being  one  of  the  Five  Best  Films.
             By  Mr.  R.  H.  Sandercock,  Netherby,  S.A.  (A.F.C.) .
             8  mm.,  Colour,  90  ft.,  Sound  on  Disc.
             Winner  of  a  V.A.C.S.  Award  of  Merit  Certificate  and  Leaderstrip.
             Winner  of  the  Brown  &  Dureau  Ltd.  Trophy,  valued  at  three  guineas,  for  the
             Best  Film  on  8  mm.  Gauge.
             Winner  of  the  Byer  Industries  Ltd .  Trophy,  valued  at  two  guineas,  for · the
             Most  Original  Film.
             Winner  of  the  Pyrex  Ltd.  Trophy  of  a  "Pyrox"  Pressure  Cooker  for  the
             Film  with  th2  Best  Sound  Accompaniment.
             By  Mr.  W.  R.  Drew,  Bondi  Beach,  N.S.W.
             16  mm.,  Colour,  900  ft .,  Silent.
             Winne r  of  the  Trophy,  valued  at  two  guineas,  donated  by  Mr.  A.  F.  Bottomley
             for  the  Best  Film  Subm itted  by  an  Interstate  Entrant,  such  entrant  not  having
             pre·,-iously  won  a  p·i::"  in  any  cine  competition,  and  such  film  not  be'r.CJ  one
             of  the  Five  Best  Films.
             By  Mr.  D.  E.  Howson,  Malvern  (V.A.C.S.).
             9.5  mm.,  Monochrome,  125  ft.,  Sound  on  Disc.
             Winner  of  Cine  Goods  to  the  value  of  five  guineas,  donated  by  Home  Cinema>
             Pty.  Ltd.  for  the  Best  Film  on  9.5  mm.  Gauge.

         §   P~CEMBE;R,  1951,   0   VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAKERS
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