Page 4 - VMM_dec1951
P. 4

Tho  fh111l   1 "111111  111,   Mr 1 tlng  for
                                            1951  willl ol~l  pl11o  111  'v>/ooll!l'd  y,  5th
             WHAT'S  0 N ... ?              Deccmho1,  """  •II  1111  111  • 1   11 y  business
          ~~~\  Ut-tk lfAC.S.               will  b   dl oiWil  lljl  Ill  It  oli111  •'  fo r  the
                                                   ,,  ru  r.rl
                                                          M1  r 1111  1  11 l  M  mbers,
                                            which  will  Ioiii  t•Lr•'  " "  1111   following
          ~ By  M.  R.  EDWARD.).           W edncsdJy,  I  tlillorrlrrl"r   It  IS  hoped
                                            that  th  rc  will  lot  o1  llrll  11111  I• r  of  mem-
            And  so  we  come  to  the  close  of  yet
                                            bers  in  alll•nd.uH 1  '"  I d r  '"'  l11 tcrest  in
          another  year,  and  I  feel  sure  that  every-
                                            this,  the  bu ~ rr11  ~·  .tolr  rol  VA C..S.  acti-
          body  will  agree  with  me  when  I  say  that
          it  has  been  a  most  successful  one.  The
                                              We  would  abo  Ill  r  l•r  ,,,,   ~ome new
          change  over  of  Club  Headquarters  from
                                            faces  among  the  ufflt r  I"  "' r•,  for  the
          the old  location  to  the new,  without  miss-
                                            ensuing  twelve  month  ,  '""I  111  this  re-
          ing  a  step,  was  quite  an  achievement.
                                            spect  I  would  like  to  pn111t  I HJI  that  the
          The  Practical  Titling  Nights  and  the  In-
                                            Secretary  will  receive  ~10111111 .1t ions  for
          structional  Series  of  Production  Nights
                                           office-bearers  up  to  th   nl  ht  of  the
          proved  to  be  quite  a  success,  and  were
          also  very  popular.   I  would  like  to  ta ke
                                              Having  disposed  of  a ll  th   business
          this  opportunity  to  say  thanks  to  all
                                           worries,  V.A.C.S.  activities  for  195 1  will
          those  who  assisted  me  in  making  this
                                           be  brought  to  a  close  with  a  bumper
          year  the  success  it  was.   Thanks  also  to
                                           Xmas  Party  on  Wednesday,  19th  Decem-
          the  other  clubs  and  film  libraries  ~or
                                           ber.   All  the  fun  of  the  fair  is  promised,
          the  excellent  programmes  they  provided.
                                                 (Continued  bottom  next  page)
                                        t/}  ~F
                                        ~r££ ,
                                       ~           X
                                            Wl11~ 1t . .2\. QI. ~.
                                           rxtru~ tu  mrmbrr.a,
                                           frtrtt~li, aui'l  ull due



          4  DECEMBER,  1951.  e   VICTORIAN  MOVIE  MAK  RS
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