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It was the ideal product for both professional and
        amateur  photography.  It  was  also  the  ideal
        product  for  Laurie  Dickson  to  use  in  making
        moving  pictures  that  resulted  in  Mr  Edison’s
        Kinetograph  camera  and  Kinetoscope  viewer.
        George’s  table  was  quickly  extended  to  200  ft.
        long  to  cater  for  the  needs  of  both  “Still”
        photography and moving pictures -- while Laurie
        Dickson  drew-up  the  plans  for  a  35mm  motion
        picture camera.
        In  the  halcyon  years  that  followed,
        1888/89  were  of  special  interest  to
        anyone associated with moving pictures
        because  in  that  time  George  created  a
        new name for his products – a short word
        easy  to  spell  and  remember  with  his
        favourite letter front and back – KODAK
        –  a  word  that  would  soon  be  instantly
        recognised throughout the world for its
        products and services. He introduced the
        first Box Camera that anyone could use
        to  take  SNAPSHOTS  with  the  slogan  “You  Press  The  Button  –  We  Do  The  Rest”
        creating a vast new industry using his new flexible celluloid FILM that in 50 ft. lengths
        enabled Laurie Dickson and Thomas Edison to make the first 35mm. motion pictures
        creating another vast new industry.

         A revolutionary landmark camera the 1888 Box Camera was the first to carry the name KODAK. It was the
         first to take ”SNAPSHOT” photos and was so simple that even a child could use it. Its advertising carried
         Georges’ new slogan “You press the button – we do the rest” and a new revolution in photography was

                                                   REEL DEALS  March  2024       7
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