Page 2 - pm_1952_01
P. 2
Issued by
trbe J£Ntor woulb liRe to com.,e)1 to rea~ers of t()e "~atbescope ·
tJDontbl)1" nll Goob '{!Ultsbes for toe 1Hew )!?ear.
The coloured lights and decorations, the parcel wrappings, the empty bottles
and the feel of that comfortable pair of slippers are but a few of the many
things that act as reminders of the past year and of the Christmas spirit that
still lingers on but the commencement of another year is always a period of
great speculation and thought. It is to be hoped that all those wishes made
when stirring the pudding or cracking the seasonal wishbone will come to pass.
Again there is the promise of further happy times when the New Year Resolu-
tions are made, providing of course such resolutions are kept, but would it not
appear that most of these items are flights of fancy and certainly not to be
relied upon for future planning.
The New Year is the dominant factor and already many warnings have been
made by the country's administrators that it will prove a hazardous one and
that further taxation will be imposed. Additional burdens will have to be faced
-burdens which will further strain our resources.
De~pite this prospect and the serious implications that must prevail, there is
one shining and indisputable fact that can be relied upon which is surely our
Freedom-the heritage of a thousand years-the price of which can never be too
high. Bold indeed would be any attempt to forecast the trend of events during
the ensuing year or whatever services may be demanded, but it must be the
fervent wish of mankind to be .permitted to continue in amity and peace and
to proceed with the mode of life and normal activities.
It is certainly the desire of Pathescope Limited to be permitted to continue
to accord their services to the Cinematographer and to provide all the require-
ments and information to enable the best possible results to be obtained with
Home Movies which is without doubt the one and only medium for individual
self-expression. Recent introductions will confirm the efforts that are contin-
ually being made to ensure every satisfaction and a comprehensive programme
has been planned for this year of the Festival of Britain that will still further
enhance the value and superiority of Pathescope 9.5mm. Home Movies.
Once again a Happy New Year to all cinematographers and good filming
for your personal records and pleasure.
Paoe Two