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T9677 I REEL
11 Geo••ge Pal Puppetoon
Captain Kidding and his crew are them off. That night the crew cele-
seen here on the high seas in H.M.S. brate their rescue and re-name their
ship H.M.S. Hopeful. The following
Hopeless. They are sighted and at-
day they put to sea again, re-armed,
tacked by pirates and come off
and again encounter the pirates, but
second best in the battle, during
this time the boot is on the other
which Captain Kidding sends a mes- foot, and 'the pirates are wiped out
sage to his base and, in response to and their ship taken in tow. Here
his call for aid, the shore batteries is a first class cartoon with puppets
open up on the pirates, thus driving as the stars.
T9681 2 REELS
Mrs. Chase is the proud mother of she boards a tram, the conductor of
four strapping sons (Charlie Chase which turns out to be the second son.
playing a quadruple role), but due Confusion follows confusion, and in
desperation, after meeting all four
to their identical appearance a cer-
sons performing their daily tasks,
tain young lady is led a life of con-
seeks the advice of a doctor for a
fusion. She makes the acquaintance
cure for hallucinations. Imagine her
of son number one whilst stooping to
consternation when the doctor ap-
retrieve a penny from the sidewalk. pears on the scene in the form of son
This proves to be a rather painful number one. However, an invitation
introduction. Following this incident home clears the situation.
T9676 I REEL
Every year at matin13 and breeding the fight for leadership that ensues.
time the Sea Lions gather at a small The old bull is defeated and is turned
island in the Arctic wastes. Here aside by the harem, where the victor
the bull sea lion reigns over his now reigns supreme. To s·ee these
harem of over one hundred. This one and a half ton monsters moving
documentary film shows you how his with the agility of boxers is really
rule is challenged by a young bull and remarkable.