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•            JANUARY  COMPETITION                                            l

                           ••'JV IN ·rER ..                                       l

           The  subject  chosen  for  the  Janu-  So  much  for  the  country  dweller
         ary  competition  is  "Winter".   To   and  those  near  at  hand,  but  what  of
         portray  this  to  any  extent  does  not   the  town  and  city  7  Here  too,  al-
        necessitate  the  use  of  snow  and  ice   though  maybe  not  as  bleak  as  the
        for  your  stage  setting.  If the  winter   natural countryside, winter can still  be
        whiteness  is  conspicuous  by  its  ab-  very   prominent.   The   sight   of
        sence  then  there  are  numerable  al-  vehicles  with  blanketed  radiators,  the
        ternatives from  which  you  can choose   population  rushing  to  and  fro'  about
        for  the  filming  of  your  competition   their  daily  tasks,  thus  speeding  thoir
        entry.                              return  to  the  homely  fireside,  tho
                                            shops  with  their  wares  hidden  from
          A  stroll  into  the country  on  a  bleak   view  by  the  frozen  fairy-like  pattern-
        day  with  your  Motocamera  and  V.F.   ed  windows,  these,  without  a  doubt,
        film  will  provide  you  with  endless   truly  portray  "Winter".
        "sets",  upon  which  to  commence
        filming.   There  is  the  country  lane   Of  course,  wherever  you  may  be,
        lined  with  windswept and  bedraggled   the  arrival  of  snow  and  ice  will  add
        hedges  and ihe towering trees stand-  that  finishing  touch  to  your  film.
        ing  bare  and  leafless  like  monsters   The  local  pond  transforms  almost
        against  an  angry  sky.  The  old  gate   overnight  to  become  an  ice  rink,
        leading  to  what  was  once  a  field  of   where skaters  add  wings  to  their feet
        flowing  corn,  but  now  swinging  and   and  where,  sometimes,  pants  take  a
        creaking  helplessly,  back  and  forth,   peppering  too.   The  gentle  slopos
        under  the  strain  of  the  fierce  and   that prove  ideal for  the toboganners,
        bitter   wind.   The   green  fields,   easy  running  or  otherwise.
        changed  in  the  course  of  months,
        from  pleasant  emerald  carpets  to   The  scope  for  this  competition  is
        muddy  waterlogged  wastes,  pitted   limitless,  so  load  your  camera,  wrap
        heavily  with  footprints  and  the tracks   up  warm  and  proceed  to  make  your
        of a  passing  cart.                film  of  a  colc.l  subject  "Winter".

        Published  by  P athescope  Ltd.,  Nort h  Circular  Hoad ,  N. W.2.  and  Printed  by  Albert  Clark  &  Co.,  Ltd.
                                  Cricklewood,  N.W ..:l,
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