Page 4 - pm_1952_01
P. 4
T9682 3 REELS
A~ASKA . at the Taku Trading Meanwhile, Joy, saved from death
-Posf.' owned by Taku Mary, there is from a pack of wolves by the inter-
great rejoicing due to the exception- vention of a trapper, pushes on, only
ally good salmon fishing season. to be captured by two half-breeds,
Little Joy, orphan daughrer of Hank who decide to hold her to . ransom.
Jones, do'es not share in the merry- Joy escapes whilst they are sleeping
making-as her father is still missing and finally picks up with the two bear
from a gold mining expedition. The cubs who lead her to Bedrock, who,
arrival of Bedrock Brown heightens by this time, has found her father's
her anxiety, since he alone knew mine. Now he knows why Hank
where her father was mining. Joy never returned.
begs Bedrock to take her with him The child, hungry and frightened, {
when the next search party leaves. begs Bedrock to take her back home,
He naturally refuses and Joy, im- and together they set off over the
patient, slips off into the icy wilder- icy wilderness. Back at the Post
ness, her only companion being one Joy's disappearance is discovered
of the Posts' police dogs. and a search party is organised.
Bedrock, and his two little bear After a hazardous journey, the search
cub companions, make. their way up- party, headed by Mary and Joy's
stream, but their canoe capsizes when mother, eventually locate the old man
an iceberg, in the close vicinity, and little child. Bedrock, however,
breaks up. They do, however, man- happy in the knowledge that Joy _is
age to get ashore. safe, dies just before the rescue
party arrive.