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           The  subject  "Local  Scenes" for  the
         October  competition,  proved  im-
         mensely  popular  and  the  high  stand-
         ard  of  work  submitted  rendered  the
         task  of  selecting  the  prize  winners
         a  difficult one for the  panel  of judges.
         They  were,  however,  "unanimous  in
         their  award  of  the  first  prize  of  £5
         to  Mrs.  F.  Wall  of  Letchworth.  To
         Mrs.  Wall,  a  previous  prize  winner,
         every  praise  must  be  accorded  for
         the  manner  in  which  she  dealt  with
                                             the  subject.  Her  film  opens  with  a
                                             boy  turning  the  pages  of  a  book  of
                                             views  of  Letchworth,  and  as  each
                                             page  was  turned  her  camera  record-
                                             ed the  actual  locality.  As  Mrs.  Wall
                                             sta'ted   when   acknowledging   her
                                             award,  she  found  it  necessary  to  use
                                             a  fresh  technique  from  anything  pre-
                                             viously  attempted.  "So  you  see,  your
                                             competitions  make  us  try  out  some-
                                             thing  different".   A  splendid  60ft.
                                             film  well  conceived  and  executed.
           The  second  prize  of  £2  2s.  is
         awarded  to  Mr.  B.  Haylock  of Enfield
         for  his  effort,  again  a  60ft. film  which
         opens  with  a  shot  of  an  announce-
         ment  of  a  stupendous  competition,
         and  his  subject  proceeds  to  photo-
         graph  the  local  scenes  for  this  pur-
         pose.  The  enthusiasm  and  industry
         is  tremendous and  he  adds  a  comedy
         touch,  finally  dropping  his  camera  in
         a  pond  in  his  anxiety  to  obtain  the
         perfect  local  scene.  Cine  filming  to
         a  plan  out of the ordinary,  producing
         an  amusing  record.  He  is  seen  here   Special  prizes  of  £I  Is.  each  have
         fishing  his  camera  from  the  pond.   been  awarded  to  Mr.  A.  C.  Booker,
                                            of  Ashwell,  and  Mr.  R.  L.  Carter,  of
                                            Kidderminster.   In  both  these  in-
                                            stances  their  productions  are straight
                                            filming  of local  scenes, of beauty with
                                            effective  use  of  angles,  light  and
                                              How  pleasant is  our reward for the
                                            efforts  to  raise  the  standard  of  film-
                                            ing  and  to  avoid  waste  of  film.  A
                                            little  thought  and  definite  apprecia-
                                            tion will  always  achieve  better results,
                                            which  is  our  initial  objective.   I
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