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•  FILM  RELEASES                                          SILENT

        SB30572                                                      I  REEL
                        YOUNG  IRONSIDES

          Charley  Chase,  in  the  role  of   Forewarned  is  forarmed ,  and  the
        "Fearless",  the  man  who  will  under-  daughter  proceeds  to  lead  Charley
        take  any  task  for  I ,000  dollars  cas'h,   into  many  amusing  and  embarassing
                                            predicaments.  Believing  that  he  has
        is  employed  by  a  wealthy  banker  to   her  safely  under  lock  and  key,  Char-
        prevent  his  daughter taking  part in  a
                                            ley  asks  for  his  reward.  Is  his  face
        bathing beauty competition.  On the   red  when  he  discovers  he  has  locked
        way  to  the  parade,  Charley  meets  a   up  the  hotel  detective  in  error !
        charming  young  lady  and  tells  her  of   However,  the  daughter  comes  to  his
        his  mission.   He  little  knows  that  she   aid  and  Charley  gets  a  bride  as  well
        is,  in  fact,  the  banker's  daughter.   as  his  reward.

        30571                                                         60ft.
                      CHARLIE .THE  ACTOR
       Charlie  as                                "makes up" to the young lady.
        a   budding                                 When the director finds out
                                                      the  truth  Charlie  is  not
        not                                             given  the  opportunity
        grade. Determined                                to  explain  and  is
       to  prove  to  the  dir-                            forced to seek shel-
       ector that he has artistic                           ter in  the  bottom
       abilities,  Charlie  "makes                           of  a  well.  This
        up"' as a  young  lady.  The
        director,  however,  entirely in                         pens  his  ar-
        ignorance  of  the  true  facts ,                          dour.

                     COMING  SHOHTl.Y

                  WHIRLWIND  HORSEMEN
         Ken  Morton  and  his  pal  Happy   bandits  make  off  leaving  one  of their
       Bill  go  to  the  assistance  of Jim  Rad-  dead  behind.   Ken  rec.ognises  the
       ford,  a  rancher,  who  has  been  badly   hat  worn  by  this  killer  as  that  of  his
       shaken  after  an  attack  by  bandits.   friend  Cherokee.  Further  discover-
       A  meeting  is  called  and  ranchers   ies  are  made  and  eventually  the
       from  all  around  gather  to  discuss   bandits are rounded up and Cherokee
       ways  and  means  of  combating  the   saved  from  torture.   A  more  com-
       terrorists.  Whilst  the  meeting  is  in   prehensive synopsis  of this film  will  be
       progress  Jim  Radford's  ranch  is   found  on  Page  6  of  the  February,
       raided, and  news  of the  attack brings   1950  issue  of the  Pathescope  M :mth-
       the  ranchers  ridinq  in  pursuit;  the   ly.
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