Page 3 - pm_1952_01
P. 3


         Carrying  cases  are  now  available  for  your  Gem  projector.  These  cases  are
       neatly  finished  with  a  black  American  cloth  covering  and  fitted  with  catch
       fasteners,  studded feet and  a  strong  leather handle,  making  it ~~)' for  carrying.

                                  16f'  X Sf' X Bt"
                          PRICE-£2  17s.  6d.-Tax Free


                               OF  THE

                           ''SON                    ''

                        SUGGESTIONS  l'LEAS~

         In  the  November  issue  a  request   It will  be  realised  that  many  read-
       was  made  to  readers  of  the  Pathe-  ers  have  proposed  similar  titles  and
       scope  Monthly  to  submit  their  suq-  it  will  be  impossible  to  apportion  to
       qestions  for  a  series  of  up  to  12   individuals . the  prizes  in  respect  of
       Stock  Titles  additional  to  those  al-  such  duplicate  titles.   In  order  to
       ready available.  A  big response was   clarify  the  position  prizes  will  be
       expected  but  nothing  like  the  almost   awarded  to  the·  readers  submitting
       overwhelming  volume  of  suggestions   the  best  lists  of titles  which  conform
       that  have  been  received.  It will  be   most  closely  to  those  suggested  by
       appreciated  therefore  that  with  so   the  majority  of  readers.  In  the  case
       many  items  to  check  through  it  has   where  titles  are  adopted  and  which
       not  been  .possible  to  deal  with  them   are  not  duplicated  an  award  will  be
       in  time  to  make  an  early  announce-  made.
       ment,  but it  is  hoped  that a  compre-  Opportunity  is  taken  to  thank  all
       hensive  result will  be  published  in  the   those  enthusiasts  who  have  so  readily
       February  issue  of  this  magazine.   responded.

                 9.alniD.  FILlU  LIBRARY  SERVICES
                      are  offered  by  tlw  follo·wing  dealers

       LONDON.          Nine  Five  ltd.,                   SOUND & SILENT.
                           Vale  Cottage,  Vale  of  Health,  N.W.3.
       READING.         C.  E. & A.  A.  May,                       SILENT.
                            114,  london  Street,
       MARGATE.         Camera  House  Film  Library,               SILENT.
                           15,  Northdown  Road.
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