Page 29 - kodascope-b
P. 29
of the Kodascope-27
Very humorous and novel effects can be obtained with the
I odascope by using the reverse action of the motor. To reverse
the direction in which the film is moving through the Kodascope,
turn the direction switch 31, Fig. 22, to the word "~VERSE."
This will automatically reverse the action of the motor and the
film will move in the opposite direction and will be taken up on
the top or supply reel. To change the position of the direction
wit ch 31, it mu t always be turned to the n'ght or clockwise (indi-
ated by the arrow), do not turn it to the left or backwards. The
direction switch may be turned at any time during projection,
i L .is not necessary to stop the motor before turning the switch.
When a still picture is desired of any subject during projec-
Li n, turn the st ill picture lever 32, Fig. 22, towards the word
",'TILL," be sure to tnrn the lever as far as it will go. When the
still picture lever i in proper position, a safety screen will come
in the path of the·ht . This screen protects the film and pre-
v nts it getting over-heated. If the shutter is closed when the
pull-clown mechanism is stopped with the still picture lever, turn
the knob 30, Fin·. 22, a trifle to open it. The arrow on the knob
:~0 indicates which lirect.ion to turn it when a forward move-
Ill nt of the film is desired. T o reverse the movement, turn the
knob in the oppo ·ite direction. In this manner any desired pic-
LII re can be moved in Lo position for a "still," even though the
1 icture had already pa sed t he aperture in the gate. To start
th action again, tu rn th till picture lever 32, Fig. 22, towards
Lilc word "RUN," turning t he lever as far as it will go.
l.f the picture on the . -creen should flicker, it is probably caused
lly the film bindino·, through losing either the upper or lower loop.
This will somet.i.1;nes happen if some of the film perforations are
b1·oken. If this should occur stop projection at once by pushing
th motor switch 33, Firr. 22, to the word "OFF." Release the pin
19 and raise the len cell 3. Lift up the gate 26, Fig. 22, and ad-
.i 11st the sizes of the upper and lower loops 27 and 28 as shown in
11'i ·. 20, page 23. Replace the gate and return the lens cell to
i 1.:; former position, then continue projection. If there are broken
p '1-forations they should be noted and the film repaired when it
i:; r wound. The section of film that contains the broken per-
forn,tions must be removed and the ends spliced together. See
Hplicing directions on pages 43, 44 and 45.