Page 24 - kodascope-b
P. 24

22- Instructions for  the operation

                        Fig. 18                      F ig.  19

               The end of the film must be square, it must not be poi 11 ted, un-
             evenly  torn  nor  have  an  excessive  bend  or  curve.  To  make  the
             end  of  the  film  square,  cut  it with a  pair of scissors bAt'l.veen  per-
             forations.  Fig.  18  shows  the  end  of  film  correctly  cu L,  straight
             across  between  perforations.   The  end  must  be  sqttar  ; do  not
             taper it  or  leave  it broken or bent, as shown in Fig.  I 0.
               With the motor turned  off,  insert the end of  the fil rn  into  the
             slot 35,  as shown in Fig.  17, page 21.  There is an  arrow on  the
             Kodascope  indicating  where  the  end  of  the  film  should  be  in-
             serted.  The dull side of  the film must be towards the I n  cell 3.
               The speed  of  the  motor is regulated  by pushing tho knob 34,
             Fig. 21, page 25, up or down.  When threading the Kodct  c  pe the
             motor should  be adjusted for its slowest speed with th  knob  34,
             all  the way down.
               After  inserting  the  end  of  the  film  into  the  slot  35,  Fig.  17,
             page 21,  push  the motor switch 33  to the  "ON" po  iLion.  If the
             sprocket  25  does  not engage with the perforations  0 11  Lhc film  at
             once,  push in the film  a trifle while the motor is run ni r ~~~- When
             the  film  has  started  to  run  through  the  Kodascopc,  watch  the
             opening  36,  Fig.  17,  page  21;  when  the  film  appear ·  i.n  this
             opening  stop  the motor  at  once,  by pushing the  switeh  :::>3  to the
             word "OFF."
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