Page 35 - kodascope-b
P. 35

of the  Kodascope-33


                                    Fig. 27
                   Cleaning the Lenses and Reflector
            The lenses of the Kodascope should be cleaned whenever neces-
          Hal-y.  Dirt on the lenses  will  cause the picture on  the screen  to
          appear cloudy or flat.  Remove the lens cell 3, by first pressing the
          cu.Lch  47,  Fig.  26,  then  slide the lens cell  towards you.  With a
          :;oft, clean lintless cloLh carefully wipe the two lens surfaces. Wipe
          Lhe surfaces of the fronL and rear condensing lenses 48 and 49, Fig.
          :.w,  and Fig.  30,  page 36.  The inside surfaces of the front condens-
          i  11g lenses 48,  Fig.  26,  and the small mirror, do not need cleaning,
          11,:;  they are in a dust proof container.  The outside and inside sur-
          races  of the rear condensing lenses  can be reached after removing
          the  lamp  house  cover  53,  page  35,  the  two  screws  54 and  55,
          and lifting out the frame  56  that holds the rear condensing lenses
          1~11d  reflector, see Fi.g. 30, page 36. To clean the inside surfaces of
          Lhe  rear conde·nsing lenses,  wrap a  piece of lintless  cloth around
          Lh<'  end of a match, and insert it into the slot or opening of that
          pnrL of  the  lens  cell  attached  to the back of the front  plate of
          l'mmc  56,  Fig.  30,  page 36.  Do  not  moisten  the  cloth  used  for
          el 'aning lenses.  After replacing the frame 56,  Fig. 30, page 36, be
          Hure  that it is  fastened securely with the two  screws 54  and 55.
            The reflector 51,  Fig.  30,  page 36,  must be clean.  There must
          b '  no  finger  marks on it.  If it is  dirty, wipe  it  carefully  with  a
          <·lnrm  cloth.

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